Sanamares Fund-raising event

Cullera 15 May 2022 We collaborated by organising an inclusive rugby activity on the beach. We involved our Clan and…

1 year ago

National Inclusive Rugby Plan

Madrid 10-12 December 2021 In December 2021 we travelled to Madrid with the whole team to the validation day of…

1 year ago

The University of Valencia as participating partner in the VARIED project

After introducing LOCSUS, the research group that is part of the VARIED project, we move on to specify the development…

1 year ago

Research Group on Local and Regional Sustainability (LOCSUS)

The uncertainty derived from climate change and the pressure on natural resources leads to proposing procedures that help establish new…

1 year ago

🌟 6th International Inclusive Rugby Festival. Erasmus VARIED Edition!

🗓️ This year, our inclusive rugby festival is scheduled for June 9-10 as the culmination of our participation in the…

1 year ago

Rugby Festivals

At Trust Rugby International we believe that an important part of what we can offer people with disabilities is the…

1 year ago


From October 17 to 20, in Vienna, the second international meeting of the partners of the VARIED project, financed by…

1 year ago

Rugby Union Donau Wien. News 01

Today was our first training together with Ich bin aktiv. They are an organization that dedicates their time to offer…

2 years ago

Rugby Union Donau Wien. News 04

April and Mai brought us our first Touch Tournaments, were we participated together with Ich bin Aktiv.  As the team…

2 years ago

Juegos Inclusivos

Madrid 7th October 2021 7 October 2021 changed the history of sport. The Olympic and Paralympic cycle of Tokyo 2020…

3 years ago