Bulgaria (ECIESC)
The main objective of this project is to encourage volunteering and social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport for men and women with a learning disability.

VARIED manages to combine both goals effectively creating full social inclusion through the volunteering in the sport of rugby, by introducing people with learning disability into a mainstream club where they will become an essential part of the club life. We will base our action on creating courses that will provide the skill for coaches/volunteers to then transfer this innovative form of social inclusion in their clubs and regions. We create a network of actors including sport associations, local governments and care service providers that ensure that anybody can take part in inclusive rugby. VARIED is a true integration tool as it will allow vulnerable adults, both male and female to play, train and enjoy together alongside other players without a learning disability with the help of a strong volunteering support.

On October 15, 2022, the VARIED rugby festival was held at the “Smirnenski” stadium in…